

Agriculture Inputs Project (OSRO/AFG/110 and OSRO/120/CHA

For Livelihood and Food Security Projects

Project Title: Minimizing impacts of drought and COVID-19 on livestock herds and smallholder farmers by protecting agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households.

Project Location: Balkhab, Sancharak and Sozma Qala district in Faryab

Project Duration: October 20, 2021 till January 31, 2022

Project Objective:

To provide season-critical support for vulnerable smallholder farming families by assisting wheat cultivation package.

Project Outputs: 2100 vulnerable smallholder farming households received emergency wheat cultivation package and technical trainings.


Project Beneficiaries:

  • 2100 Vulnerable smallholder farming HHs (300 HHs in Balkhab, 1300 HHs in Sancharak and 500 HHs in Sozma Qala district of Sar-e-Pul province)

Project Assistance: Each beneficiary receives the following assistance:

  • 50kg certified wheat seeds, 50kg DAP and 50kg Urea
  • Technical training about Agri- farming techniques and Covid-19

Project Donor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (UN-FAO)

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Livestock Protecting Package and Home Gardening Package (OSRO-AFG-111-EC)

For Livelihood and Food Security Projects

Project Title: Safeguarding food and nutrition security using anticipatory actions through cash transfer and emergency livestock protection inputs assistance to vulnerable food insecure households impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and anticipated impacts of La Niña induced drought in IPC-4 areas of Afghanistan

Project Location: Faryab province and Badghis province

Project Duration: November 25, 2021 till April 25, 2022

Project Objective: The key objective of this project is to safeguarding food, nutrition and livelihoods security of most vulnerable households adversely impacted by COVID-19 and La Niña in four IPC Phase-4 provinces of Afghanistan

Project Outputs:

Output 1: Livelihoods and food security of 2000 vulnerable marginal herding, landless, women-headed, and persons with disability households protected through provision of emergency livestock protection package assistance and  distribution of unconditional cash transfer for covering food and basic non-food needs.

Output 2: Livelihoods and food security of 1832 vulnerable marginal herding, landless, women-headed, and persons with disability households protected through provision of emergency livestock protection package assistance..

Output 3: 900 vulnerable landless / women-headed households received nutrition sensitive vegetable cultivation home-gardening package and technical trainings.

Output 4: Awareness of all the beneficiaries mentioned above on key protection messages and on COVID-19 to adopt at livelihood practices, during market participation and in general appropriate preventive practices for minimizing transmission.

Project Assistance: Each beneficiary receives the following assistance:

Livestock inputs:

  • 200 kg of concentrate animal feed
  • 50 USD cash assistance
  • 8 types of vegetable seeds
  • Technical training about Agri- farming techniques and Covid-19

Project Donor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (UN-FAO)

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Agriculture Inputs (OSRO-AFG-120-CHA)

For Livelihood and Food Security Projects

Project Title: Safeguarding Food Security through Emergency Fertilizer and Wheat Production Assistance.

Project Location: Faryab province and Sar-e-Pul province

Project Duration: February 05, 2022 till May 05, 2022

Project Objective: The key objective of this project is to provide season-critical support for vulnerable smallholder farming families by assisting Spring wheat cultivation package.

Project Outputs:

Output 1: 5650 vulnerable smallholder farming households received emergency Spring wheat cultivation package and technical trainings.

Output 2: Awareness of all the beneficiaries mentioned above on key protection messages and on COVID-19 to adopt at livelihood practices, during market participation and in general appropriate preventive practices for minimizing transmission.

Project Assistance: Each beneficiary receives the following assistance:

Agriculture inputs:

  • 50kg of certified wheat seeds, 50kg DAP and 50kg Urea
  • Technical training about Agri- farming techniques and Covid-19

Project Donor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (UN-FAO)

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Saving the lives of the most vulnerable people

For Food Security Projects

Project Objective:

  • Provide nutrition-sensitive, unconditional emergency food assistance to severely vulnerable, food-insecure households, including Pregnant and Lactating women and children 6-59 months, in targeted districts to prevent further deterioration of their food security and nutritional status.
  • Avoid or minimize the needs for targeted households to resort to negative coping strategies during the months of most severe food insecurity.

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