

Saving the lives of the most vulnerable people

For Food Security Projects

Project Objective:

  • Provide nutrition-sensitive, unconditional emergency food assistance to severely vulnerable, food-insecure households, including Pregnant and Lactating women and children 6-59 months, in targeted districts to prevent further deterioration of their food security and nutritional status.
  • Avoid or minimize the needs for targeted households to resort to negative coping strategies during the months of most severe food insecurity.

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School Feeding Program

For Food Security Projects

Project Title: School Feeding Program for girls in school

Project Location: Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province

Project Duration: November 01, 2022 till December 31, 2021

Project Goal

To promote girls’ education and their education attainment in Mazar-e-Sharif

Project Objective:

  1. To increase enrollment of adolescent girls in schools.
  2. To increase retention of adolescent girls in schools.
  3.  To decrease gender disparity among high school students in the target districts
  4.  Prevent early marriage.
  5. To sensitize and influence the perception of the targeted communities regarding girls’ education beyond primary school level.
  6. To encourage the teachers to regularly attend to the school

Expected Outputs:

  1. Girls’ enrolments and school attendance are improved
  2. Gender balance is improved in target schools
  3. Female students’ family economy and their food security is Improved

Expected Outputs:

Output 1: Total 45970 Students (Girls’ student grade 7-12) received cash stipend

Project Donor: World Food Program of United Nation (UN-WFP)

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