About Us

Social Uplift Organization (SUO) is a non governmental organization . It works in the following sectors:

1. Foord Security

2. Agriculture

3.  Education

4. Livelihood

5. Shelter and Non- Food items

SUO's targeting areas are as follow:

1. Badakhshan province

2. Badghis province

3. Balkh Province

4. Faryab province

5 . Jawzjan province

6 . Sar-e-Pul province

7. Takhar province

About Us

SUO is a non-profit local organization established in 2020. Its aim is to provide social services, agricultural and livelihood support to the people affected by violence, conflict and natural disaster in Afghanistan.

Our Mission

We assist people who are affected by violence, conflict or natural disasters. We support them to access their basic and urgent needs and rebuild their livelihoods. We work with vulnerable people irrespective of their race, ethnicity, religion or gender. Our programs are focused on short-term and long-term results which means that we assist, but also provide support during relief and recovery.

Our Vission

We work towards a vision in which people live in peaceful communities, where they have access to basic needs, their livelihoods are restored and they are full of hope. Within these communities, vulnerable people are valued and honored in all spheres of life. This includes women, girls, disabled and stigmatized people.

Our Values

Our core values are stated as follow:

  • We hold ourselves accountable for our actions
  • We value all human beings
  • We stay loyal to our mission
  • We serve with honesty

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