Agriculture Inputs Project (OSRO/AFG/112/DEN)

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Agriculture Inputs Project (OSRO/AFG/112/DEN)

For Livelihood and Food Security Projects

Project Title: Safeguarding emergency agriculture livelihoods and access to nutritious food of vulnerable food insecure farming families in Takhar province

Project Location: Chah Ab and Rostaq district, Takhar province

Project Duration: August 1, 2021 till February 28, 2022

Project Objective:

To provide season- critical support for vulnerable smallholder farming families by assisting wheat cultivation package and nutrition-sensitive vegetable cultivation /home-gardening package

Output 1: 2000 vulnerable smallholder farming households received emergency wheat cultivation package and technical trainings

Output 2: 2000 vulnerable landless/women-headed households received nutrition sensitive vegetable cultivation home-gardening package and technical training

Project Assistance:

  • 50kg certified wheat seeds, 50kg DAP and 50kg Urea for each farmer
  • Coriander 50gram, Cabage 50-gram, Egg plant 30-gram, Onion 50-gram, Okra 100-gram, Squash 100-gram, Tomato 30-gram and Red Radish 50-gram for each woman

Project Donor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Naation (UN-FAO)

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