Agriculture Input Project (OSRO/AFG/108/CHA)

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Agriculture Input Project (OSRO/AFG/108/CHA)

For Livelihood and Food Security Projects

Project Title: Anticipatory livelihood protection to minimise drought impacts and safeguard food security.

Project Location: Gosfanid, Sayyad and Sozma Qala district

Project Duration: May 15, 2021 till October 14, 2021

Project Objective:

The key objective of this project is to provide emergency livestock protection assistance and cash-based assistance for safeguarding food and nutrition security and ensure emergency agriculture livelihoods protection to mitigate the impacts of drought.

Project Outputs

  • Output 1: Livelihoods and food security of vulnerable marginal herding, landless, women-headed, and persons with disability HHs protected through provision of emergency livestock protection package assistance.
  • Output 2: Livelihoods and food security of vulnerable marginal landless, women-headed, and persons with disability HHs protected through provision of emergency cash-based assistance.
  • Output 3: Awareness of all the beneficiaries mentioned above on key protection messages and on COVID-19 and important livestock diseases safety measures to adopt at livelihood practices, during market participation and in general appropriate preventive practices for minimizing transmission.

Project Beneficiaries:

  • 2250 Vulnerable marginal herding HHs (750 HHs in Gosfandi, 750 HHs in Sayyad and 750 HHs in Sozma Qala district) livestock protection package
  • 90 HHs (30 in Gosfanid, 30 in Sayyad and 30 in Sozma Qala district) for Unconditional Cash Transfer assistance (UST)
  • 820 HHs (270 in Gosfanid, 280 in Sayyad and 270 in Sozma Qala district) for Cash for Work assitance

Project Assistance: Each beneficiary receives the following assistance:

  • 200kg Animal feed (concentrate)
  • 100 USD cash for work assistance: Each beneficiary receive 100 USD when they work for 20 days in the community. They developed irrigation infrastructures
  • 100 USD Unconditional Cash transfer to women-headed/elderly headed and the household head with disabilities
  • Deworming of livestock
  • Technical training about livestock management, animal diseases and Covid-19

Project Donor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (UN-FAO)

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