

2021-11-06 Sheberghan Officer, Jawzjan Province

SUO senior staff are conducting monthly management meeting.


2022-05-05 Faryab Province

Representatives of relevant governmental departments and SUO staff are starting the distribution process of agriculture inputs (Certified Wheat Seed and Fertilizers) project in Badghis Province

Training of the Trainers

2021-05-03 Mazar--e-Sharif, Balkh province

UN-FAO technical team are providing ToT training to the SUO staff in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province. The training sessions were about Livestock farming management, Wheat cultivation technics, Pest management, Humanitarian principles, awareness about COVID-19.

Coordination Meeting with Stakeholders of the project

2021-09-17 Balkhab district, Sar-e-Pul province

SUO staff are conducting coordination meeting with the governor of Balkhab district in Sar-e-Pul province. SUO staff shared all the information about the agriculture input(OSRO-AFG-110-USA ) project in Balkhab district. SUO staff organize a coordination meeting with all the relevant governmental depatments of target province at the start of the project. These departments include, Economy department, Governor office, District authorities, Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock department and Afghan National Disaster Management  Authorities.

Coordination Meeting with the Elders of a Target Community

2022-04-23 Naimadan villages, Sar-e-Pul Center

The project staff are conducting a coordination meeting with the community elders in a target village of Sar-e-Pul province. SUO staff conduct a community wide coordination meeting with the representatives of the selected villages. They provide orientation about the project goals, objectives, activities, inputs and implementation procedures.

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